Học bổng HSE University (CHLB Nga)

National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University, Russia) 

Also, let me introduce some opportunities available this year. All information regarding HSE scholarships might be found here:

Bachelor’s – https://www.hse.ru/admissions/undergraduate-apply/financial-aid#top

Master’s – https://www.hse.ru/admissions/graduate-apply/financial-aid

The main point for those who wish to get a scholarship – to apply online asap and not later than February 28Apply for a Master’s degree or for a Bachelor’s degree. Students may choose maximum 2 programmes.

And we also have a lot of excellent programmes with discounts. In this case, students may apply till July 15 / August 10, depending on the degree level.  Information here:  

Bachelor’s – https://www.hse.ru/admissions/undergraduate-apply/financial-aid#top

Master’s – https://www.hse.ru/admissions/graduate-apply/financial-aid

Please let me remind that HSE also offers non-degree programmes:

Semester with HSE

Visiting and Exchange students

Professional Studies

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Download this file (HSE_at_glance_вьетнам[4].pdf)Giới thiệu HSE University Vietnamese Brochure138 kB16-01-201816-01-2018
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